

重點是這首歌很sunny 哈哈

"New Shoes"

Woke up cold one Tuesday, 星期二醒來後很冷
I'm looking tired and feeling quite sick, 我看起來很累而且又不舒服
I felt like there was something missing in my day to day life, 我發覺在每天的生活中總是少了什麼東西
So I quickly opened the wardrobe, 所以我趕快打開衣櫥
Pulled out some jeans and a T-Shirt that seemed clean, 隨便拉出一些看似乾淨的牛仔褲和T-shirt
Topped it off with a pair of old shoes, 在最上面有一雙舊鞋子
That were ripped around the seams, 但是已經變成開口笑了
And I thought these shoes just don't suit me. 所以我想這雙鞋根本就不適合我

Hey, I put some new shoes on, 我穿上一雙新鞋以後
And suddenly everything is right, 每件事都變得很順利
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,我穿上一雙新鞋後,每個人都對著我微笑
It's so inviting, 真令人開心
Oh, short on money, 錢不夠用
But long on time, 不過時間多的是
Slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine, 在宜人的陽光下慢慢的走著
And I'm running late, 雖然快遲到了
And I don't need an excuse, 但我不需要任何藉口
'cause I'm wearing my brand new shoes. 因為我穿著一雙全新的鞋子

Woke up late one Thursday, 星期四起床晚了
And I'm seeing stars as I'm rubbing my eyes, 當我在揉眼睛的時候看見了星星
And I felt like there were two days missing, 感覺好像少了兩天
As I focused on the time, 我一邊注意著時間
And I made my way to the kitchen, 一邊走到了廚房
But I had to stop from the shock of what I found, 但是我被我看到的景象嚇到了
A room full of all off my friends dancing round and round, 有好多我的朋友在廚房裡跳著舞

And I thought hello new shoes, 於是我想著 "hello,新鞋"
Bye bye them blues. "憂鬱再見"


Take me wandering through these streets, Where bright lights and angels meet, 帶我逛遍有亮光和天使的街道

Stone to stone they take me on, 帶我走過一片片得石板路
I'm walking to the break of dawn. [x2] 走到太陽出來為止

[CHORUS (x2)]

Take me wandering through these streets帶我逛遍街道

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